One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Registration for Summer Scholars and Early Start is closed

Are You Ready to Experience College Life?

Live in a dorm, attend daily classes and devotions, and experience fun activities with new friends, all while earning 3 hours of college credit!

Quick Facts

  • June 8–22, 2024
  • High school juniors and seniors
  • $1,145
Give Me More Details I'm Ready to Get Started!

Can't study on campus with us? Check out other ways to take Dual Enrollment courses over the summer!

Summer Scholars Details

If you are a high school junior or senior, Summer Scholars is for you! Incoming freshmen can contact to ask about attending as an Early Start student.
Arrive: June 8, 2024, 1–3 p.m.
Depart: June 22, 2024, 9 a.m.–12 p.m.
Location: Cedarville University's beautiful southwest Ohio campus
Cost: $1,145

  • Tuition: $555 for one 3-credit course. Most courses are free for Ohio College Credit Plus (CCP) students.
  • Housing, meals, and activities: $590
  • Course materials may be required.
  • Incidentals: Students typically bring no more than $100 for vending machines, ice cream or coffee shops, etc.

What Students Are Saying

Get Started With Summer Scholars

1) Apply to Cedarville

Follow the Dual Enrollment admissions process. Already accepted? Move on to the next step.

2) Meet With Your Dual Enrollment Advisor

New students will receive an email within one week of acceptance asking them to schedule a meeting. Returning students should contact their advisor to set up a meeting.

3) Choose and Register for a Course

Choose your favorite course, then register through your advisor between April 8 and May 10. Typical course offerings include:

4) Plan Your Transportation

Shuttles will be available from Dayton International Airport and Columbus International Airport. Plan for flights that arrive before noon and depart after 1 p.m.

5) Relax!

Your Summer Scholars orientation guide will arrive by email in early May. It will contain everything you need to know about payment, pre-reading, dress codes, what to bring, roommates, airport shuttles, and more. It will also contain links to several forms (medical, dietary, etc.) that must be completed before you arrive. Full payment must be received before you arrive for check-in.

Have More Questions?

Preparing for Summer Scholars

Do I Have to Complete Coursework Ahead of Time?

Yes, pre-reading is required for each course. Assignments will be provided in the orientation guide that you receive via email in May.

What Should I Pack?

Your orientation guide will contain a suggested packing list. Free laundry facilities are available in the dorm.

Arriving and Leaving

Can I Arrive Late or Leave Early?

Please plan to be on campus for the duration of Summer Scholars. If you have a conflict, you may wish to consider enrolling in an online summer course.

Can I Drive My Car to Campus?

Yes, but it will remain parked during the two-week experience.

Living on Campus

Can the Dining Hall Accommodate My Allergy?

The dining hall can accommodate most requests. Please complete the dietary form during the online orientation in May, and contact your advisor with any questions or concerns. Students may bring snacks to keep in their dorm room, but keep in mind that refrigerators are not provided.

What is a Sample Weekday Schedule?

  • Breakfast: 7–8 a.m.
  • Class: 8:30–9:50 a.m.
  • Devotional: 10 a.m.
  • Class: 10:50–11:45 a.m.
  • Lunch: 11:45 a.m.
  • Class: 1–2:45 p.m.
  • Study Time: 2:45–6 p.m.
  • Dinner: 6–7 p.m.
  • Evening activity

Can I Have Visitors on Campus?

Visitors, including family members, are not permitted during Summer Scholars.

Can I Leave Campus During Summer Scholars?

Summer Scholars is a residential program, so students must remain on campus for its duration.

Contact or your Dual Enrollment advisor for additional questions.